
The last thing we Montrealers need is another blog post about the abundance of snow we’ve received this winter (and in the past week in particular), but for the sake of posterity and my readers in Australia, I thought I’d post a few pictures.

Here’s our back yard in greener times:

Back yard, with grass (by blork)

Here’s our back yard this morning:

It wouldn’t be so bad if this were January, but it’s the middle of March for Pete’s sake!

Most of this is from the big storm we had Saturday night. Martine and I stayed home that night and I made quails in marsala with figs (mmmm…). The lights kept browning out while I cooked, but fortunately we didn’t loose power. Here’s what I saw when I peeked out the window around 8:30 PM:

Looking out from the living room (by blork)

Next morning, this was what it looked like in the dining room:

View from the dining room (by blork)

On the way to catch the bus this morning I grabbed a few photos from around the neighbourhood. Here’s a street near our house:

Snowy street in Longueuil (by blork)

And here’s a fire hydrant that someone was thoughtful enough to dig out:

Fire Hydrant (by blork)

OK, enough with the snow. Spring please!

6 thoughts on “Snow!

  1. Here in Paris, 13° C, sunny afternoon. Camellias are blooming, horse chestnut trees starting to make leafs. :-)

  2. Ouch!

    Paris in Springtime (almost) vs. Montreal & Environs post-9th Snow Dump.

    Vachement… That is not fair!

  3. Yay, Blork, YAY!!!!!


    Thanks for the pix!!!!! Reminds me why life is worth living. Sometimes we DO win the laughtery.

  4. Bordeaux . . . Friday I sat in the sun while the bees buzzed around me and I got so uncomfortably hot that I had to put down my beer so I could take off my shirt.

    Oh, so very yes . . . .


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