Thursday’s Yummies

• Bowl of cereal with 2% milk (Quaker Oat Squares)
• Medium cup of coffee
• 175g tub of yogurt (1.4% fat)
• Ham sandwich on Montignac bread with hot polish mustard, organic “lemonaise”, and lettuce
• Short espresso with a dollop of cream and 1 tsp. raw sugar
• 1 apple
• 10 almonds
• 1 small pepperoni & cheese pizza*
• 1 glass of red wine
• 1 small Tofuti Cutie non-dairy ice cream sandwich

* This is unusual because it was a frozen pizza. How unblork-like. However, I bought one of these on a whim a few weeks ago and tried it, and it wasn’t bad. It’s one of those “rising crust” pizzas they claim is as good as take-out (it’s not quite, but almost). So I bought a couple more last week for those rare times when I just don’t feel like cooking at all and there aren’t any good leftovers laying around. Like tonight, for example.